Yes, it's one of those days when nothing seems to go right and you keep asking yourself, "why me?" It all started with Eva waking up at 6:30. I turn on the t.v. and the satellite wasn't working but it's not searching for a good signal it's just not working at all. Anyone else who has early risers knows how important those morning cartoons are. Now I'm irritated and Greg is gone at drill so he can't help. I decide to put on a video for Eva and as she closes the glass door on our new DVD case the whole door shatters into thousands and thousands of pieces!
Exhibit A.

It took me an hour and a half to clean up all the glass and I sliced my knee in the process. I picked most of the glass up by hand because we have central vac and I wasn't sure what all that glass would do to the hose. To be honest all I know about the central vac is you plug the hose into a cool hole in the wall and like magic it sucks everything up, but where it all goes.....I have no idea. So anyways that's why it took so long to clean up.
Then as I'm getting ready and talking to Michelle on the phone Eva breaks the lid of one of my glass jars that I keep q-tips in. I about lost it. Plus she broke the matching jar that held the cotton balls just the other day. If your wondering how she was in reach of the glass jars I let her stand on a chair and play in the sink while I'm getting ready. She liked to pull all the q-tips out and play with them. Exhibit B.
Q-tips in ears +

Q-tips in nose =

more broken glass

After she broke the first jar I haven't let her play with them but of course today she was faster than me and broke that lid before I could move it.
For lunch I took Eva to McDonald's and on the way home we almost got into an accident. We were stopped in the road with a few cars in front of us and I just happen to glance in my rear view mirror. Here comes a red truck about to hit us! I looked in the turn lane, saw that it's clear, turn my wheel and gunned it to get out of the way. Just then the guy in the truck slams on his brakes and stops before slamming into the car that was in front of me. I have to say that my heart was pounding I mean the thought of getting into an accident with Eva and in the new car makes me sick. I was proud of myself for thinking quickly and getting out of the way. It's amazing all the thoughts that can run through you head in a matter of seconds.
The rest of the day turned out pretty good. I guess it was more of a bad morning than an entire bad day. Thankfully Greg got home early and he played with Eva so I could recover. Exhibit C.

I also thought that since I'm 6 months pregnant that I should post a new picture. I was debating whether or not to even put this picture on. It might be the last bare belly shot. We'll see how I feel next month.