So I got this Idea from my Aunt Rachel's blog (hope you don't mind) and decided in honor of Mother's day to list 20 things I love about my wonderful mother.
1. She has the kindest heart, and is loving to everyone. (Greg added that she is really nice) :)
2. She is always willing to listen to me talk no matter what time it is.
3. She has a strong testimony of the church and has taught me the importance of having one of my own.
4. She is selfless and has always put the needs of our family first.
5. She has a good sense of humor and can handle her girls poking fun at her from time to time.
6. When I was little she always let me sleep with her and my Dad if I had a bad dream. Even though I was told to "lay still" in the bed.
7. The only swear words I have ever heard her say in my whole 26 years of life were"hell" once, and "damn" once. And she felt bad about both after she had said them.
8. She is a beautiful woman inside and out and has taught me that it's whats on the inside that truly matters.
9. She is a great homemaker.
10. She always took interest in whatever I was doing. She was willing to listen to me practice that same music on the piano over and over again or listen to me sing that solo just one more time before I had to perform.
11. She can make the best apple pie in the world.
12. She runs marathons.....need I say more?
13. She took me to see every new Disney move that came to the theaters when I was young.
14. She would take me and my sisters to the beach even on days when it wasn't very sunny and she new she wasn't going to get much of a tan.
15. She didn't get mad at me when I ran home from school in the 3rd grade.
16. She knows just how to make life feel right again when all else seems lost.
17. She is a wonderful Grandmother and is interested in everything her grandchildren are doing.
18. She is generous and giving.
19. She still wears the "mom jeans" sometimes, but looks cute anyways.
20. She has been the best example to me through out my life and is the mother and wife that I strive to be. I couldn't ask for a better mom. I love you so much. Happy Mother's Day.