All that is Glittery and Pink
with a hint of camo
Saturday, March 9, 2013
updates on the house
I think the pictures speak for themselves but basically here are some of the changes we've made in the past few months. First is the nursery, the upstairs bath, before and after of the laundry room and small bathroom, before and after of the master bedroom and a little revamp of Eva and Layla's room. We are actually getting really close to having everything done in our house but there are still a few more things I'm hoping to finish this summer.


Friday, December 28, 2012
Christmas 2012
This Christmas was one of the best by far! We actually got to stay home Christmas Eve which meant my girls got to wake up in their own beds and see what presents Santa brought them under their own tree. Priceless! I love seeing family for the holidays but I loved having our own Christmas with my own growing family.
Here are the girls in their new jammies.
After Christmas morning we did drive up to Sandy to have Christmas dinner with My family. The girls had fun playing with their cousins and seeing Grandma and Popi.
It was nice spending time with family having good food and good fun.
My favorite gift was the washer and dryer pedestals Greg made for my front loaders. I will have to post pics of that soon as we are redoing the laundry room/bathroom right now. Greg's favorite gift (and the girls too lol) is the ipad. I have to say it is pretty fun. This is an app that shows you the actual size of the baby for each week of pregnancy. So here I am 26 weeks! I guess the ipad has turned out to be family gift. Good thing Greg doesn't mind sharing :)
So Christmas was great this year. I think having little children to share it with makes it that much more enjoyable. I love how magical it is for them and I'm glad we can make such great memories with family each year.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Another one on the way!
This bun will be done March 2013!!!!!!
Yes I am due to have Gochnour baby #4 at the end of March. I know I said we were done having babies but I guess there was just one more waiting up there :) We are very excited to have another sweet baby in our home and I have a very strong feeling it's another girl. I wonder where I got that idea? lol I will find out the gender this time so around the end of Oct or first of Nov we will know. So that's the news around here!
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Flowers are in bloom!!
Okay so before I show all the flowers growing wild in my yard I first need to show the two small, but newest updates to the house.
I finally got around to making my curtains. They're nothing fancy but I love them. I love the colors and pattern.
The other update is that my knobs finally came in! It only took 5 months! That's what I get for living in a small town and having to special order things. Oh well, I think they look nice and now I'm not clawing at my cabinets when I need to get into them.
Now onto the house. We had large Juniper trees growing around this rock wall and around the whole front yard. Greg finally finished chopping all those trees down.
I love how much cleaner the yard looks and now we can see out!
You can see what a mean about flower overload! They are all pretty but man do I have a ton!
Delicious cherries from my cherry tree.
Grape vines! I can't wait for these to ripen.
I love the way this looks. This is the rock garden (what geologist doesn't have a rock garden?) on the other side of the carport. The grape vines flow over the fence in such a pretty way.
This rose bush is already done with it's first bloom. You can see the roses are dying, but there are new buds coming so I should see more as the summer goes on.
This plant is growing all over the lattice. It has small yellow and white flowers that smell so good!
Some ground cover in one of the flower beds.
There is this tall grass growing in between these pine trees. The other day I noticed big orange flowers blooming in the grass. I didn't get around to taking a new picture of them but they are very pretty.
Sunflowers!!! I have so many of these growing everywhere! I'm not the biggest fan of sunflowers in my yard but they started popping up in the areas when Greg cut down the trees. I guess it's something to fill in the dirt for now.
So there it is. I have a lot going on in my yard and it's taking a lot of my time to keep up on it all. I want to continue scaling back throughout the summer so that hopefully next year it will still be beautiful but not so demanding.
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