After breakfast we got ready for the rest of the family to come over so we could finish opening gifts and have Christmas dinner.
This was the first Christmas in years that me and my sisters were all together again. It was so fun to spend time with them. And for those of you who don't know my family too well the blond one is my Mom not another sister :)
The kids loved playing together and opening all their presents.
Eva and Nathan with their cork guns Poppy got them.
Eva is obsessed with the new Disney movie Tangled so between her Birthday and Christmas I think she pretty much got every Tangle merchandise that was made. Including the wig.
And after presents were done Layla went back to doing what she does best...coloring.
After dinner we had the kids put on the story of Christmas. Talk about the cutest Marry and Joseph ever!
Layla with Aunt Michelle and Uncle Tom. She was the little Angel in the play.
I spent a few days at my parents and then traveled over to Amber's for a few days. Here is Cameron being a good Daddy and Uncle watching a movie with all the kids.
So another Christmas had come and gone and I won't lie...i did feel a little empty inside Christmas night. Not to mention just kinda emotional and run down but that was probably more due to being 6 months pregnant. I was worried the holidays would be a lot harder on me than they were. Thank goodness for all my wonderful family and friends that I have. So a blue Christmas? Not really...maybe just a little. Next year will be better. Greg will be back and we'll have 3 kids to spoil. I can't wait.
Merry Christmas!! Looks like you had a good time with your family!! Your mom does looks like one of the sisters (besides the blonde hair) I would have had no idea if you hadn't wrote that!!!!
I'm glad you were able to spend Christmas with your family. Hopefully this next year will speed by and then next Christmas will be so awesome.
Eww...gross pic of me! I look more pregnant than you or Michelle and I'm not the one who's pregnant! Blah...anyways we were glad we could all spend Christmas together. xoxo
haha Amber you look beautiful. And that was the only picture I got with all of us in it so it was the only one I had to use. I thought I got more but I guess that was your guys cameras.
lol Amber your funny! And no you do not look pregnant! It was really good to be out there and i'm glad we all got to spend time together!
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