Eva and Layla were so excited to meet her and have been the best big sisters. They love little Julia so much.
She is such a sweet little baby I just can't get enough of her!
My Dad with his 3 granddaughters.
My Mom is here for 10 days while I'm recovering. I am so thankful she is here to help out. I couldn't have done it with out her.
So we never got a boy but Greg and I are happy to have another little girl in our family and I can already tell she fits in perfectly.
I decided to add some Easter pictures on here too. I kinda felt like this Easter would be just a big blur with me trying to recover but it actually turned out to be a nice weekend. My parents and I colored eggs with the girls.
They also got Easter baskets and had an egg hunt. Eva was a good big sister and helped Layla find most of her eggs. They both had a lot of fun.
I had a good friend offer to take my girls to church for me on Sunday. Eva went so she was the only one in an Easter dress that day. But I can't wait until next Easter when all three of my girls can be in matching dresses.
So that's what we've been up to. A good Easter weekend and a brand new baby girl. Life is good :)